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Banking Retail December 20, 2023

Digital Asset Retail Toolkit

The Digital Asset Retail Toolkit (DART) offers a seamless solution for digital payments, empowering you to utilize digital assets to pay clients, monitor deliveries, and remunerate distributors. This payment system introduces innovative gateways connecting you to digital asset platforms tailored for your business needs.

DART provides easy access to digital asset networks, such as Ethereum, especially beneficial for retail transactions and product distribution. This includes the entire retail process, covering purchase, payment, and delivery. Digital asset payments significantly reduce settlement times to seconds or minutes, a notable improvement compared to traditional end-of-day settlements with FIAT payments.

  • Sector

    Retail, Banking

  • Technology

    Google Blockchain Node Engine, Smart Contracts, Ethereum

  • Solution

    Payment Method

  • Partner

    Google Cloud Platform

Project references: Project References
Development status:
Proof of Concept

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