Uanataca’s One-Shot Signature provides a complete solution for digital signature of documents within an application. It’s designed so it doesn’t store sensitive data. The…
FaceTec’s ZoOmlogin is a 3D facial authentication solution that replaces passwords with identity verification in mobile applications. It’s a leader in liveness and facial…
One advantage of augmented and mixed reality is that they can qualitatively enhance the experience of users by helping them understand the information they’re…
Fintech Hubtype has developed a conversational platform offering automated customer services. With the aim of reducing the number of customer queries, Bankia launched a…
We explore the DIEM cryptocurrency, launched by Facebook in 2019 as a stable digital currency and currently inoperative due to legislative issues. This service…
The Smart ATM experience is the result of GFT’s collaboration with BBVA to improve the ATM user experience for the blind, physically disabled and…